
Entries for September 2015

Pilgrimage of Mercy-October 3, 2015

Posted on September 17, 2015 in: General News

Join Fr. Michael and parishioners of St. Patrick's, Newport, NH, as they make a half day pilgrimage to the major relics of St. Maria Goretti. Solemn Mass and Veneration of her relics will take place at Immaculate Conception Parish in Nashua, NH. A bus will be leaving from St. Patrick's Pa...

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I wish to sincerely thank the numerous people who donated items for the annual yard sale. I would also like to extend my deep appreciation to the parishioners who worked tirelessly for weeks preparing for the event and to those who worked the day of the sale. With these combined efforts we were a...

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Since Planned Parenthood is NOT taking the expose' of their aborted baby parts trafficking lying down, and is coming against the Center For Medical Progress specifically, and the pro-life movement generally, with everything they've got, this national webcast will be a good first start for un...

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Posted on September 03, 2015 in: General News

Registration for Religious Ed classes will be held on September 13th in the Gym following the 10:30 Mass. This will be a mandatory parent meeting to discuss some changes in the program.  Registration forms and Religious Ed calendars may be printed off the St. Mary Parish website. &nbs...

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