
Entries for March 2020

We are posting a letter from the Bishop with a mandate to the public regarding attendance at Mass.  Please read this urgent letter.  

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Update on Abortion Bills

Posted on March 17, 2020 in: General News

Five pro-life bills were voted on by the House in our state.  All five were defeated by the Democrat majority.  They may go to the Senate for a vote, but will be defeated there as well. SB-486-FN, A Senate Bill passed 14/10. This would require insurance companies to "provide c...

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Letter from Fr. Shawn

Posted on March 31, 2020 in: General News

We have posted a letter to Parishioners in our website.  Go to Weekly Reflection to view it.

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Pray for Life Vigil--Cancelled

Posted on March 18, 2020 in: General News

The Pray for Life Vigil for March has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus.  We hope to continue the vigil next month.  Check back to see if it will be scheduled in April.

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Posted on March 06, 2020 in: General News

As Fr. Shawn mentioned in his homily last weekend, the United States Bishops have asked that we be notified of certain issues involving the CORONAVIRUS and the vigilance necessary as our people come together for worship. Please be attentive to the following: 1. The fundamental issue of hygiene: ...

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