
Entries for April 2016

There will be a First Communion Brunch on May 22nd after the 10:30 AM mass at St. Mary’s Church.  First Communicant families may RSVP to Mandy at the rectory.   Please let us know how many will be attending from your family when calling to RSVP.  Thank you. The brunch ...

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On August 1 - 4, there will be a pilgrimage to Canada.  We will be visiting the Shrines of Sacred Heart, Cap-de-la-Madeleine, St. Joseph Oratory in Montreal, St. Anne de Beaupre in Quebec, and St. Benoit du Lac. A Coach bus will leave from St. Mary's Church in Claremont, NH. The cost is ...

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Sir Knight Award

Posted on April 25, 2016 in: General News

The Sir Knight of the year award night is Monday May 2nd at the Pleasant Restaurant in Claremont. All 4th degree brother Knights and their families are invited...please come out to support the brother chosen for this award.  Dinner is off the menu at 7 PM.

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Posted on April 24, 2016 in: General News

On Sunday, May 1st, immediately following the 10:30 Mass, we will have a crowning ceremony at the Statue of the Blessed Mother in front of the rectory. Religious Education students will be performing the crowning and will be joined by the Catholic Daughters and the Knights of Columbus in the proc...

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April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month.  Children of the world are trafficked for a number of reasons.  However, the majority of these children are trafficked for sexual exploitation. Pope Francis cautions us not to remain indifferent knowing that these precious human bei...

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St Denis Parish in Hanover is hosting a Marriage Fellowship Group Event: Dinner & Discussion with Simcha Fisher.  All married couples are invited to join us on Saturday, April 16th at 6:30 pm.  Simcha Fisher is the author of The Sinner's Guide to Natural Family Plannin...

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Confirmation April 14 @ 7 pm

Posted on April 07, 2016 in: General News

On April 14, 2016, we will have Confirmation at 7:00 PM at St. Mary’s Church.  Bishop Libasci will officiate. Confirmation Class: St Joseph’s Parish:  Alyssa Ellison and Nicholas Stone All Saint’s Parish:  Andrew Aumand and Liam Sullivan Congratul...

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