
Parish Employment Opportunity

Posted on October 17, 2022 in: General News

St. Mary Parish is seeking to onboard a Director for a proposed parish child care center.  The individual would be involved in the early stages of the decision-making process prior to opening and engaged directly and enthusiastically in the start-up of the center.  It is required that a candidate be a practicing Catholic who understands the importance of providing a positive childcare environment based on good Catholic values. Once open, the Director will be responsible for the daily operation of the program and ensure the program’s compliance with all applicable federal, state and local codes, as well as diocesan policies. Other responsibilities will include: Oversee staff, assist in the creation of a budget, market the facility, meet with parents and parish personnel regularly. This is a new venture for the parish, one that will provide a much-needed service with a Catholic identity. Salary and benefits will be based on experience.  Interested candidates should send a brief description of interest in the position along with any relevant experience to