
Priesthood Sunday

Posted on August 28, 2019 in: General News

Sunday, September 29th is national Priesthood Sunday! This year we will not only be praying for priests and praising God for such a beautiful gift to His Church but also providing a few social moments after the Sunday morning Masses at both parishes to let both Fr. Shawn and Fr. Arockia know how much we appreciate their “yes” to God!

The Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Daughters will be providing coffee and refreshments.

Also, there are Spiritual Bouquet cards available at the back of each church, as well as in the parish office, for you to fill out for Fr. Shawn and Fr. Arockia. Spiritual Bouquets are simple prayer offerings for another, in this case for the priests. There are designated boxes for you to put them in, which will then be collected and given to the Fathers on Priesthood Sunday.

Priests need our prayers and support! Let us give thanks to God for the gift of His Priesthood by supporƟng Fr. Shawn and Fr. Arockia through our prayers, words, and deeds.