
Religious Freedom Week

Posted on June 22, 2020 in: General News

The Catholic Church affirms the right of religious liberty and encourages governments at the local, state, and federal levels, to protect it and to resist any unnecessary restraints on its exercise. In the face of our country’s challenges, and challenges within the Church herself, Catholics find strength in the hope of Jesus Christ. We want to share that hope with everyone.

Religious freedom gives us the space to carry out the mission that Jesus has entrusted to the Church. Religious freedom means that Catholics, and all people of goodwill, are free to seek the truth and to live in accordance with that truth, and so to strengthen our common life as a nation. During the period from June 22 to June 29, beginning with the Feast of Saints Thomas More and John Fisher, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops celebrates Religious Freedom Week. In the midst of our current challenges, join us as we seek the kingdom and find Strength in Hope.

To observe Religious Freedom Week you can get ideas at You'll find a number of helpful resources that will be added to as more materials become available.