Schedule for Sacrament of Reconciliation before Christmas:
Fr. Shawn: Monday, December 21st: 6:00—7:00 PM; Tuesday, December 22nd: 9:00—10:00 AM
Fr. Arockia: Monday, December 21st: 3:00—4:00 PM; Tuesday, December 22nd: 3:00—4:00 PM
No confessions on Friday, December 26th. The church will be closed from December 23rd until December 28th, except for Mass.
As it is difficult not to sing especially during the Christmas Masses, everyone is asked to wear a mask even while singing and to refrain from any “enthusiastic” singing that may increase the risk of spread. The Christmas Masses will be livestreamed for those who continue to feel safer at home during this time. Once again this year after each Christmas Mass Fr. Shawn will bestow the Apostolic Blessing.