
Farewell Letter

Posted on January 03, 2022 in: General News

It has been a very quick two months since the announcement that Fr. Arockia and I were being reassigned.  Words cannot express the deep gratitude we have for all of the love that you have shown us in this time and during our service here in Claremont.  Many have expressed to us that we will be missed and I can assure you that you too will be missed by us.  However, we all must follow the path that God lays before us, and strengthened by our faith we assist one another.  We thank all who were able to attend the “Farewell Dinner.”  It was a wonderful time to meet, reminisce, and say, “until we meet again.”  Thank you for all the cards, gifts, and even tasty goodies.  You are all so very generous.
Nineteen years and eight months has passed so very quickly.  I take with me countless great memories.  Truly we have helped make each other into the people that we are now, and that helps us to press onward into the future.
My constant prayer for each of you is that you continue to grow in grace and closeness to God, and ask that you pray the same for Fr. Arockia and me!  Many times I have said at funerals, “In the Church we never say goodbye, we say only, until we meet again!”
Until we all meet again in the Kingdom, May God grant you his choicest Blessings of Nature and Grace!!!!
Very Rev. Shawn M. Therrien, VG                          Rev. Arockia Antony, HGN
St. Anne-St. Augustin Parish                                   St. Joseph Parish
383 Beech Street                                                    21 Pine Street
Manchester, NH  03103-5350                                 Woodsville, NH  03785