

Posted on August 09, 2015 in: General News

On August 16th from Noon-4:00 PM we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is very important that we celebrate the solemnities of the Lord and his mother with great joy and true celebration. This year we will celebrate with a parish picnic which will take place on the lawn by the Church and the gym. We hope that as many people as possible will attend. I also intend to invite those who are residents of the shelter next-door. It is important for us to show our love and concern for taking time to fellowship with our neighbors.

The picnic will be partially potluck. The parish will provide the hamburgers, hotdogs, rolls and the drinks. I would ask that those who will be attending would call the parish office not only to let us know that you are coming, but also to coordinate with Mandy about what you can bring. We are in need of salads and desserts (preferably cookies, brownies or bars). If there is anyone who cannot bring anything just let us know you're coming.

There will be a few games that we can play as well as the jungle gym at the school for the little kids. Let us come together to make this a great celebration and example to the neighborhood!