
Are you a married couple looking for a moral way to achieve or avoid pregnancy? Do you struggle with infertility? Are you a teenager wishing you knew when your next period is coming? Are you held back by PMS symptoms? Are you a premenopausal woman struggling with hormone changes?

The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System can help, and you are invited to learn more about this amazing Natural Family Planning method! The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System (CrMS) is an authentic language of a woman’s health and fertility, where women learn to record daily observations of cervical mucus as an indicator of fertility. The CrMS is safe, inexpensive, has no known medical side effects, and is highly reliable and natural. Dr. Aimee Knauff will teach women how to make standardized observations and chart her biological markers. This allows a woman to know when her next period is coming as well as helps couples know when they are naturally fertile and infertile, choosing to either achieve or avoid pregnancy with each cycle.

These biomarkers also identify abnormalities in a woman's health that can be addressed with NaProTECHNOLOGY (Natural Procreative Technology). Dr. Knauff provides medical treatments that cooperate with the reproductive system for a variety of diagnoses, including: hormone imbalances, infertility, repetitive miscarriages, pregnancy, postpartum depression, PMS, endometriosis, PCOS and perimenopause/menopause.

After the Introductory Session, you can start charting right away when you purchase the class materials. We will also schedule your first Follow-up appointment, which provides additional teaching and chart review, one of eight individual Follow-up Sessions spaced through the course of a year. Adequate instruction is essential for the user to gain confidence in the system and to achieve the maximum possible effectiveness.

Dr. Aimee Knauff is a Naturopathic Physician practicing in Springfield, VT. She studied NaProTECHNOLOGY and the CrMS at the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction in Omaha, Nebraska. She is the only certified Natural Family Planning Medical Consultant in Vermont and is working on CrMS Practitioner certification.

Dr. Knauff will be presenting a FREE Introductory Session on the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System on Monday, August 24th from 6-7 pm. The class will be held at St. Mary’s Church, located at 32 Pearl Street in Claremont. Space is limited and classes fill up quick. To register for the class, please complete the signup sheet at the back of the Church, call Saint Mary’s office or give Dr. Knauff a call directly today at (802) 885-2211. Hope to see you there!