In June our prayer-witness vigils for Life are as follows:
Claremont NH: (Always on Fourth Saturday of each month, 12:00 Noon to 1:00 pm)
June: Fourth Saturday June 24th from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 pm.
Where: Across the street from Claremont Planned Parenthood at 136 Pleasant Street.
What: Witness for Life and pray for the Preborn, the Unborn, Conversion of Culture, Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet.
All welcome, no requirements!
White River Jct. VT:
When: At least once per month, generally Tuesdays or Thursdays as qualified participants are available.
June: Tuesday June 13th; or, Thursday June 15th.
Where: On sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood, 79 South Main Street, White River Jct.
What: Silent, individual prayer, Scripture reflection, hand out pro-life literature, engage people for Life alternatives to abortion.
Important Note: This ministry is part of the national Sidewalk Advocates for Life, Inc. and their excellent training is required to participate. If interested, call Walt Stapleton 603-995-1034 or Connie LeBlanc 603-448-5129 for training arrangements.