
Happy Mother's Day!

Posted on May 05, 2016 in: General News

On this Mother's Day, for all whose mothers and grandmothers are still alive - cherish them today. Honor them and thank them.  For all whose mothers have gone home to the Lord, remember them and pray for them.  Let us also honor the Mother of the Lord on this day.  Her maternal care for Jesus still extends to all those who are His, as members of His Body.  

Lastly, let us ask the Lord to open our eyes, and our hearts, to more fully appreciate the great gift of the Church as our Mother.  Let us live our lives as Christians, by living in the heart of Mother Church, for the sake of the world into which we are sent to evangelize.

"Thank you women who are mothers!  You have sheltered human beings within yourselves in a unique experience of joy and travail.  This experience makes you...the one who is the anchor as the child makes its way along the journey of life.  ~St. Pope John Paul II

“We remember all mothers with gratitude and affection...those who live with us physically, but also those who live with us spiritually."  ~Pope Francis