
Entries for 'Mary Keating'

Parish Homebound Ministry

Posted on March 13, 2024 in: General News

If you or someone you know would like to receive a visit from Fr. Sebastian, please call Steve Denis at (603) 558-5209. Homebound visits are made on the second Monday of every month. Father is assisted by one of the Lay Ministers of the Holy Eucharist:  Steve Denis, Jackie Merrill, Bill Pamplin...

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Capital Campaign Corner

Posted on May 26, 2023 in: General News

Total pledges received as of December 20th is $974,100.  Our new goal is $1,250,000.  Any funds raised beyond the total cost of the church exterior repair and restoration project will be used for additional capital improvement needs of the church.  100% of all gifts/pledges remain wit...

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We are grateful to all our parishioners who have given to the New Hampshire Catholic Appeal.  100% of the funds raised above this Appeal goal are returned to our parish this year.  If you have not made your gift yet, please bring your gift envelope to Mass next weekend or make your gift on...

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Family Holy Hours

Posted on August 22, 2024 in: General News

Children are a gift from God.  Our Lord had a particular love for children and so do we! It is our desire to support our families in the all-important task of raising their children in the faith; therefore, we would like to invite families to gather for a teaching, prayer, and adoration in the ...

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Parish ProLife Ministry

Posted on February 09, 2024 in: General News

SPIRITUAL ADOPTION OF AN UNBORN CHILD To help stop the anti-life push around the world, the late Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen encouraged the “spiritual adoption” of an unborn child, by praying that one particular but unknown child’s life be spared abortion and be allowed...

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Parish Penny Sale

Posted on June 02, 2023 in: General News

ST. MARY PARISH OLD-TIME PENNY SALE Saturday, October 5, 2024 – St. Mary Gym, Main Street, Claremont, NH Doors open @ 5:00 PM – Drawings begin @ 6:00 PM Grand Prize: Cash $1,500 (if present) $1,200 (if not present) Including 300+ prizes to be raffled – Red, Whi...

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Welcome Fall Bake Sale

Posted on June 03, 2022 in: General News

Following the 4:00 Mass on Saturday September 28th and the 8:00  and 10:30 Masses on Sunday September 29th.  Volunteer to help and/or bake your specialty. Call Gail Leclerc-Roberts at 603-543-4187 or to coordinate your support.  Free-will donations.

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St. Mary Parish Picnic

Posted on August 22, 2024 in: General News

Sunday, September 15th, 12:00-3:00 PM.  Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.  Bring your favorite family dish to share! Hot dogs, sausage and peppers, hamburgers/cheeseburgers and make-your-own-sundae will be provided by the Knights.  Come for great food, games, and fellowship.&...

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September 7th, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.  St. Mary Gym, Claremont.  The annual event you've been waiting for!  Hundred tables full of goodies!  Click here for donations schedule.

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Friday, September 6th.  Mass at 9:00 AM in St. Mary Church. Sacrament of Reconciliation and Adoration in Church 9:30 to 10:30 AM.  First Friday Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

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St. Mary Rectory Garage - Saturday, August 24th 3:00 - 4:00 PM and Sunday, August 25th 7:30 - 10:30 AM. Aluminum cans only! Please rinse out cans and do not crush them. 5-cent plastic soda bottles marked VT accepted. Check markings! Proceeds go to 2 seminarians and a postulant.

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On December 16, 2023, "The Eagle Times" featured St. Mary Parish and it's 200-year anniversary.  Click here to see the full section. Thank you to everyone involved with putting this beautiful feature together!  A special thank you to Mary Carter and Rich Girard from "The...

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We are so pleased to invite you to participate in a "Great Adventure!"   We will be embarking on a bible study from Ascension Press titled,  "Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible."  In this 8 week program, scripture scholar Jeff Cavins, gives an overview of the...

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Ice Cream Party! We would like to invite you to an ice cream party to share a sweet, summery treat with you and hear your thoughts about how we can best serve you in sharing your faith with your children. We recognize the parents' role as primary educators of their children, but as a parish, we ...

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Holy Week Schedule

Posted on March 31, 2023 in: General News

Sacraments Preparation Registration

Posted on February 09, 2024 in: General News

FAITH FORMATION - Parents of children aged 7 and up who have not received the Sacraments of Penance, First Holy Communion, or Confirmation, are asked to please contact the parish office to register their child(ren) for Sacramental Preparation classes.  These classes will begin after Easter. Ple...

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Friday Fish Fry During Lent

Posted on February 22, 2024 in: General News

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Posted on December 22, 2023 in: General News

The Parish Office will be closed December 25, 2023, through January 2, 2024, for the holiday season.

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Men of St. Joseph

Posted on June 15, 2022 in: General News

Come and See!! The Men of St. Joseph is a lay men's ministry that promotes fellowship, prayer and education to all interested men of the parish.  We are beginning a video series entitled "In the Footsteps of God - From Abraham to Austine."  This series explores the pivotal pl...

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Christmas Lessons and Carols

Posted on December 06, 2023 in: General News

Join us for an hour of Christmas Carols and scripture readings performed by Mount Royal Academy Sacred Choir to celebrate the birth of Christ.  Sunday, December 17th at 4:00 PM in St. Mary Church.  All are welcome and there is no cost!

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Sunday, December17th at 1:00 PM, St. Joseph Church Hall, Claremont. Advent Gathering and Luncheon.

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Christmas Dinner and Dance

Posted on December 22, 2022 in: General News

Friday, December 15th in St. Mary's Gym from 4:30 PM until 7:00 PM.  Special DJ and MC for the evening!  Please RSVP by either the sign-up sheet in the church or calling the Parish Office at 603-542-9518.  A free will offering is requested. 

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Celebrating 200 years of the first Roman Catholic Church in New Hampshire!  To see photos from the many special events, please click here. (Photos courtesy of Juanita Sweet and Louis Millette.)

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OCIA Classes Have Begun

Posted on August 04, 2023 in: General News

Classes began mid September but there is still time to join.  Please contact the Parish Office at 603-542-9518 for further information.

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September 9th:  Authentic replica of the Shroud of Turin in St. Mary Church, Central Street, Claremont.  Presentation 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM.  Public viewing with photo opportunities and Q&A 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM.  Sacrament of Reconciliation available 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM...

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Adoration Chapel Re-Opening

Posted on August 04, 2023 in: General News

Mass on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation) will be celebrated in St. Mary Church at 5:00 PM.  Following Mass Fr. Sebastian will lead a procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the Chapel and Our Lord will once again reside in the Chapel!  Father w...

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St. Mary Cemetery roads are looking brand new! Click on the link to see!

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Parish Employment Opportunity

Posted on October 17, 2022 in: General News

St. Mary Parish is seeking to onboard a Director for a proposed parish child care center.  The individual would be involved in the early stages of the decision-making process prior to opening and engaged directly and enthusiastically in the start-up of the center.  It is required that a ca...

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St. Mary's Annual Craft Fair

Posted on April 14, 2023 in: General News

Welcome Crafters!  St. Mary's Craft Fair is coming on Saturday - May 13th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM in St. Mary's Gym on Main Street in Claremont, NH.  Looking forward to a variety of crafters.  For more information or to register, contact Claire Lessard, Coordinator, at 60...

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Ministry of Helps

Posted on March 10, 2023 in: General News

BE a part of our Ministry of Helps! St. Mary Parish is seeking teams of 2 people for 2 hours a week to clean and maintain our beautilful church. To make the task light, our goal is to create 4 teams that would rotate once a month. There is flexibility in your choice of days and times. This mini...

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Knights of Columbus Combined Council and Assembly Knights of the Year Awards, Monday May 1st - 6:00 PM, Pleasant Restaurant, Claremont.  Members and families welcome!

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Click here to read Fr. Sebastian's Easter letter.

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4th Annual CDA Penny Sale

Posted on March 17, 2023 in: General News

Sunday, April 23rd, St. Joseph Hall, Claremont.  Members and friends who would like to donate, please contact Claire Lessard, Coordinator, at 603-543-3617.

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Lent 2023

Posted on February 17, 2023 in: General News

Please click the file link below to see the complete Lenten schedule for 2023.

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St. Mary Church, March 25th.  For more information, see the flyer.

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Mercy Fridays

Posted on March 11, 2022 in: General News

Every Friday following the 9:00 AM Mass in St. Mary Church there will be an hour of Eucharistic Adoration.  Fr. Sebastian will hear confessions during this hour.

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4th Degree Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass for the Deceased Members of the Knights of Columbus, Monday March 6th at 7:00 PM.  All Saints Church, Charlestown. Celebrant will be Rev. John Loughnane.

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Sacramental Preparation Classes

Posted on December 22, 2022 in: General News

Classes began Sunday, January 29, 2023.  All classes will be held following the 10:30 AM Mass (approximately 11:30).  These classes are designed for those baptized children, 2nd grade and above, who desire the Sacraments of First Holy Communion, First Confession, and Confirmation.  We...

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Tuesday, February 21st, at 6:30 PM in St. Joseph Church Hall.  Program:  Valentine Theme.

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Monday, February 6th at 6:00 PM.  Pleasant Restaurant, Claremont.  Order off the menu.  All Degrees invited!

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Candlemas and Blessing of Candles

Posted on February 01, 2023 in: General News

At the 9:00 AM Mass on February 2nd, there will be a blessing of candles that may be taken home for private use.  If you prefer to bring your own candle, please bring it with you to the Mass. This Mass will also be the monthly healing Mass in honor of St. Jude. 

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Parish Meeting

Posted on December 22, 2022 in: General News

On Sunday, January 8, 2023, in St. Mary Gym, beginning at 12:00 noon, Robert Fulmer (engineer) and Rob Eib (Manchester Diocese) will conduct a presentation of the restoration/renovation needed to St. Mary Church.  We will have an opportunity to learn all involved with this major project and to ...

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The Aluminum Can Drive will not take place in the month of December due to the 4th weekend of the month being Christmas weekend.  The Drive will resume January 28 and 29, 2023.

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Old St. Mary Church is featured this month on the Diocesan Road Trip Pilgrimage. Click the link below to see the video. Road Trip Pilgrimage

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New Hampshire Catholic Appeal

Posted on April 29, 2022 in: General News

We are grateful to all parishioners who have given to the New Hampshire Catholic Appeal.  As of today, our parishioners have raised $8,700.00 toward our goal of $28,422.00.  100% of the funds raised above this Appeal goal are returned to our parish this year.  If you have not made you...

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Carols and Lessons

Posted on December 15, 2022 in: General News

Join us for an hour of Christmas Carols and scripture readings to celebrate the birth of Christ.  Thursday, December 22 at 3:00 PM in St. Mary Church.  Featuring the Sacred Choir of Mount Royal Academy. All are welcome.

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Children's Catechesis

Posted on September 19, 2022 in: General News

Children's catechism classes for grades 1-3.  We are excited to help encourage your children's love for Our Lord in the Word of God and the Holy Eucharist.  We are also going to nurture their relationship with Our Lady through the rosary and talk about the lives of the saints and h...

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The Saturday morning Mass will resume at St. Mary Church on Central Street beginning October 15th.

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Parish Office Temporary Changes

Posted on October 07, 2022 in: General News

Please note the following temporary changes to upcoming Parish Office hours: Wednesday, October 19th through Friday, October 21st:                            &nbs...

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Friday, October 7th, St. Mary Church. Mass at 9:00 AM. Sacrament of Reconciliation 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM. Eucharistic Adoration 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

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On the first Thursday of every month, the 9:00 AM Mass will be a healing Mass celebrated in honor of St. Jude. Following the Mass Fr. Sebastian will anoint anyone interested in receiving the sacrament of healing and a brief prayer.  Small bottles of blessed oil will also be available for y...

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Marian Prayer Group

Posted on June 15, 2022 in: General News

Meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 5:45 PM, following the 5:00 PM Mass, in St. Joseph Hall.

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Following the 10:30 AM Mass on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (June 19th), there will be an Eucharistic Procession. We will process around the parish campus and return to the church.  Please join us in publicly showing devotion to Our Eucharistic Lord. 

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Monday, June 13th, 7:00 PM, Council Chambers, St. Mary Gym.

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Business Meeting - Monday, June 6th, 7:00 PM, St. Joseph Hall

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Parish Office Closed

Posted on March 11, 2022 in: General News

The Parish Office will be CLOSED beginning Friday, May 27th and will reopen on Tuesday, May 31st.  Please plan accordingly.

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Prayer-Witness Vigil for Life

Posted on December 07, 2021 in: General News

Pro-Life Prayer Vigil for Life at Claremont Planned Parenthood, 136 Pleasant Street, Saturday, May 28th, from noon to 1:00 PM. All are welcome to come witness for life and pray the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the unborn and to convert the culture of death.  Please contact Walt Staple...

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Tuesday, May 17th - 6:30 PM; St. Joseph Church Hall. Recital of Rosary. Baby Shower to benefit Pregnancy Center of the Upper Valley.

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CDA Annual Geranium Sale

Posted on April 29, 2022 in: General News

Geraniums are $4.50 per pot. Available in red, white, pink and salmon. Last day to order is May 14th. Contact Arline Marro at 603-542-5933.

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Green-Thumb Volunteer Needed

Posted on April 29, 2022 in: General News

After many years of taking great care of the St. Francis garden in front of the church, Julie Wanat will no longer be available to maintain what is a mature and beautiful perennial garden.  The Parish is looking for a volunteer to help maintain the garden.  If you love outdoor gardening an...

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Sir Knight/Knight of the Year Award - Monday, May 2nd, 6:00 PM, Pleasant Restaurant.  All degrees welcome.  Please RSVP  to Louis Millette.

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Divine Mercy Sunday

Posted on April 13, 2022 in: General News

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM in St. Mary Church.  Conclude with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 PM.

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Men of St. Joseph

Posted on January 14, 2022 in: General News

The next meeting of the Men of St. Joseph will be on Wednesday March 30th at 7:00 PM in the Knights of Columbus Room in the St. Mary Gym next to the church.  The topic for the evening will be:  "Joseph Most Chaste."  All men of St. Mary and St. Joseph Parishes are welco...

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Tuesday, April 19th at 6:30 PM in St. Joseph Church Hall. Storey Teller...Sharon Woods.

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The Stations of the Cross are prayed after each weekday Mass. "It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins." 2 Mach 12:46 Completely helpless, the Holy Souls can do nothing. They are your friends and relatives, trapped in Purgatory. You ...

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First Friday Eucharistic Adoration

Posted on September 23, 2021 in: General News

Friday, April 1st in St. Mary Church. Mass at 9:00 AM.  Sacrament of Reconciliation 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM.  Adoration 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

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Farewell Letter

Posted on January 03, 2022 in: General News

It has been a very quick two months since the announcement that Fr. Arockia and I were being reassigned.  Words cannot express the deep gratitude we have for all of the love that you have shown us in this time and during our service here in Claremont.  Many have expressed to us that we wil...

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Knights of Columbus Fr. Cote Assembly 1820 Spiritual Night - Monday, March 7th, 7:00 PM, St. Joseph Hall - Claremont.  Guest Speaker:  Deacon Jim Wilton.  Light refereshments included.  Open to all degrees and all parishioners.

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There will not be all-day First Friday Eucharistic Adoration in St. Mary Church on March 4th.  There will be Mass at 9:00 AM followed by Adoration until 10:00 AM.  There is a funeral Mass scheduled for that day in St. Mary Church.  There is also the potential for a change in First Fri...

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Saturday, February 26th from 3:00 to 4:00 PM - St. Mary Rectory Garage. Sunday, February 27th from 7:30 to 10:30 AM - St. Mary Rectory Garage.  Aluminum cans only!  Rinse out cans.  Do not crush them.  5 cent plastic soda bottles marked VT accepted.  Check markings!  Pr...

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Prayer-Witness Vigil for Life

Posted on December 30, 2021 in: General News

Upcoming Pro-Life Event:  Prayer-Witness Vigil for Life Saturday February 26th across from Planned Parenthood at 136 Pleasant Street, Claremont, from 12 noon to 1:00 PM. All are welcome to come witness for life and pray the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the unborn and to convert the cu...

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Parish Office Closed

Posted on December 21, 2021 in: General News

The Parish Office will be closed Monday, February 21st, in observance of Presidents' Day.

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First Friday Eucharistic Adoration

Posted on December 30, 2021 in: General News


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Praying for a Greater Respect for Human Life. Saturday, January 22nd, 9:00 AM. Mass and Rosary. St. Denis, Hanover. 

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Monday, January 10th, 7:00 PM. St. Mary Gym in Claremont.

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Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Posted on December 10, 2021 in: General News

The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (January 1st) is not a holy day of obligation for 2022.  However, Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 AM in St. Mary Church and 8:30 AM in St. Joseph Church.

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Advent Tree Gifts

Posted on December 01, 2021 in: General News

If you have already taken one or more envelopes off the Advent Tree, thank you! All gifts must be returned to the church or parish office by Sunday, December 5th. Gifts will be sorted on Monday, December 6th for distribution by the Claremont Kiwanis Club. Monetary gifts may be returned in the weeken...

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Registration forms are available on the parish website under the Faith Formation/Religious Education tabs. Please print and fill one out prior to the start of classes. There is still time to register! Completed forms may be dropped off or mailed to the parish office. Registration fee checks sho...

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Advent Vocations Holy Hour

Posted on December 01, 2021 in: General News

Thursday evening December 16th during the Vocations Holy Hour Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Fr. Arockia will give a brief Advent reflection and will also be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

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Advent Gathering Luncheon and Meeting.  Sunday, December 12th at 1:00 PM in St. Joseph Church Hall.

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On December 8, 2021, we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  This day is a holy day of obligation.  Masses at St. Mary Church will be celebrated at 9:00 AM and 12:10 PM. There will be a 5:30 PM Mass celebrated at St. Joseph Church.  Th...

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First Friday Eucharistic Adoration

Posted on December 01, 2021 in: General News

Friday, December 3rd, St. Mary Church. Adoration from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

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Registration forms are now available on the parish website under the Faith Formation/Religious Education tabs.  Please print and fill one out prior to the start of classes.  They can be dropped off or mailed to the parish office.  Registration fee checks should be made payable to &quo...

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Prayer-Witness Vigil for Life

Posted on November 12, 2021 in: General News

Upcoming Pro-Life Event:  Prayer-Witness Vigil for Life, Saturday November 27th, noon to 1:00 PM, across from Planned Parenthood, 136 Pleasant Street, Claremont.  All are welcome to come witness for life and pray the Rosay and Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the unborn and to convert the cultu...

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Our seasonal contract for maintenance of the cemetery ends on Columbus Day, October 11th.  Please remove any items on or around a family headstone during this time.  Any items left out will be disposed of by the Parish.

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Parish Office Closed

Posted on October 13, 2021 in: General News

The Parish Office will be closed beginning noon on Wednesday, October 20th, and will reopen at 8:00 AM on Monday, November 1st.

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On Thursday, October 28th, beginning at 4:00 PM, Fr. Arockia will bless the graves at St. Mary Cemetery.  We will meet at Old St. Mary Church.  At this same time parishioners are welcome to bring any BLESSED items that need to be buried.  This is the proper way to dispose of blessed i...

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The 8:00 AM Mass on Saturday, October 9th, will be the last Mass of the season celebrated at Old St. Mary's.  The church will be closed until next summer season.

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Creche Storage Donation Request

Posted on August 26, 2021 in: General News

The Knights of Columbus are seeking the donation of barn or garage space for the outside Creche displayed during the Christmas season in the Broad Street park.  Prior locations no longer are available to store the Creche.  Dimensions are:  8'+10" H x 7'+00" W x 17...

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Online Bereavement Support Group

Posted on September 10, 2021 in: General News

Catholic Charities NH will be starting its next online support group, "Bereavement - Experiencing Loss, Being Lost and Finding Your Way Again," a six-week program helping participants discover new ways to cope with loss, while creating opportunities to be supported and support others also ...

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Catholic Daughters Penny Sale

Posted on September 10, 2021 in: General News

Sunday, September 19th, St. Joseph Hall, 1:00 PM.  Doors open at 12:00 noon.  200 prizes.  Refreshments.

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First Friday Eucharistic Adoration in St. Mary Church 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Friday, September 3rd.

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It is with great sorrow that we say farewell to our beloved Deacon Paul who passed away on June 11, 2021, Feast of the Sacred Heart.  He was such a big part of St. Mary Parish and served the parishioners for several years, baptizing many of our children and marrying them as well!  He ...

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Beginning the week of July 26th, the regular confessions scheule will resume.  The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45 PM.  Confessions will no longer be heard on Mondays and Fridays.

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Saturday, August 28th from 3:00 to 4:00 PM. Sunday, August 29th, 7:30 to 10:30 AM.  St. Mary Rectory Garage.  Aluminum cans only!  Please rinse out cans and do not crush them.  5 cent plastic soda bottles marked VT accepted.  Please check markings!

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Aware that the opportunity to participate in Sunday Mass is increasingly available and increasingly safe for our Catholic people, Bishop Libasci has joined the dioceses in the Boston Province in lifting hte dispensation of the Sunday and Holy Day Mass obligation, effective the weekend of June 19 and...

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Friday, July 2nd, in St. Mary Church.  Eucharistic Adoration from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.  The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available from 3:00 to 4:00 PM.  Benedictation at 4:00 PM.

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St. Mary High School Alumni are called to participate in Stevens Alumni Parade on Saturday October 2, 2021. A special organizational meeting will be held on Tuesday June 29, 2021, in St. Mary Gym in Claremont, NH. For more information contact Claire Lessard, Vice President of St. Mary Alumni Associa...

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The Knights of Columbus will be conducting their monthly aluminum can drive on Saturday, June 26th from 3:00 to 4:00 PM and Sunday, June 27th from 7:30 to 10:30 AM at the St. Mary Rectory Garage.  Aluminum cans only!  Please rinse out cans, do not crush them.  5 cent plastic bottles m...

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Prayer for Vocations

Posted on May 22, 2018 in: General News

On Saturday, June 2nd, Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 AM followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 2:00 PM. We will pray a special Rosary for vocations and hear scripture and meditations on the important responsibility we all have to pray for vocations to the priesthood. Every parish in...

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#Defund PP

Posted on April 24, 2017 in: General News

National Day of Prayer and Protest Against Planned Parenthood Saturday, April 29   Pro-life leaders in Washington are fighting to strip Planned Parenthood, the nationa's largest abortion chain, of their federal funding.  But they need our help to do it!   Join us as...

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